Working in Europe
A fitted professional opportunity
As a European citizen, you have the right to dwell and work anywhere in Europe without restriction. However there’s obviously administrative formalities and measures to follow.
Furthermore, each country has it’s own ways to deal with immigration and different administrative aspects. No one really talks about that, so you’re most likely by yourself during the entire process.
Be as it may, there are in fact European programmes that can help you financially and get you going in your brand new life.
Some tools to support you during your research
Europass : the key platform for internship and employment research purposes!
European Youth Portal
A seasonal job ? A summer job ? The EU might help you in that regard with the European Youth Portal. Do not hesitate to contact us for a few useful tips.
+ Some advice from La Maison de l'Europe:
Make sure to look for expatriation associations
Look for testimony from people that used to do the same thing
Get closer to the embassy
Don’t mind contacting us to put you in relation with ground Europe Direct colleagues
Be sure to use the Europass platform for your application
Entrepreneurs Mobility
The Erasmus entrepreneurs programme ensures to put in relation newer entrepreneurs with more experienced entrepreneurs from another country.
Taking a tour in another country to see how life in a company runs beforehand allows you to bring a newish and external look to a well established company.
Being apart of the programme : every details here
Local points do exist in the EU to support you.
Job applicants
Job seekers (registered for at least 4 weeks) can do an Erasmus + internship for 3 to 6 months in a foreigner company. During this period, you will still receive the allowance.
Benefits :
- Processing for the departure : information on life and work conditions in the host country and the means available.
- The backing provided by a Pole emploi advisor during the period.
- The retention of indemnity of unemployment for qualified people during the internship in Europe.
- Financial aids will be provided to compensate for travel and accommodation expenses.
- Linguistic tests and language formations via the OLS platform.
- The job applicant is an intern of the professional formation and is protected by insurance.
Talk with your Pôle emploi councillor !
Etudiant.e en recherche de stage ? Diplômé.e en affaires européennes ou relations internationales ?
Les institutions recrutent et prennent des stagiaires ! Renseignez-vous ici pour découvrir les opportunités offertes.
Un coup de pouce à l'étranger ?
La France et ses citoyens à l'étranger sont représentés par l'Ambassade et les consulats. Ils vous permettent de réaliser vos démarches