The Maison de l'Europe de l'Eure is a regional association that provides information about the European Union, its institutions, news and the opportunities it offers. We have also been a EUROPE DIRECT Center since 2009, a label issued by the European Commission.
The aim of the Maison de l'Europe de l'Eure is to bring European citizens closer to the institutions and to strengthen the feeling of European citizenship. We operate in the region around various themes, with the aim of adding a touch of Europe to your daily life.
Besides providing information about the EU and its opportunities, we are working closely with youngsters in order to give the idea of European mobility. We create and participate in the European projects and help the other associations to benefit these opportunities, create their own projects and collaborate with us.
We strive to get as close as possible to the public, by animating and creating projects in everyday places. You can meet with us in the markets, the forums, the schools, the social centers, and on the social networks.
Our missions
European mobility
We support your European mobility projects: ( advice, appointments, meetings, etc.)
Maison de l’Europe de l’Eure gives information about European news and opportunities.
We work with different structures and schools to promote the feeling of European citizenship.
project help
Do you need help to create a project within European dimension? How to obtain European funds? Contact us for further information!
We often work as partner in European projects. Our team can work in French, English, Spanish and Turkish. Don't hesitate to contact us, for projects, information and help !
+33 6 08 89 55 28
Our Team
International Mobility

Volunteering opportunities
with European Solidarity Corps
What is it ?
European Solidarity Corps program, allows people from 18 to 30 years old to go abroad to complete volunteering missions.
The missions can go from 2 to 12 months and take place in associations, structures and foreign establishments.
They can get off to member states of the European Union and other partner countries like : North Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia,Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia.
The missions are diversified, and the topics are appropriate regarding them : Sports, culture, environment, solidarity, education, etc…You can only do one mission with the European Solidarity Corps.
Who's targeted ?
Who’s targeted ?
People from 18 to 30 are allowed to participate, regardless of language skills or degrees. The only thing that truly matters is the motivation !
Travel fees, ground accommodation, and health insurance are all taking care of, you don’t have to look for accommodation nor to take care of visa approaches.
The European Union gives pocket money to all volunteers, and volunteers from Normandy can also benefit from PassMonde.
How can I participate ?
Maison de l’Europe is an accredited European Solidarity Corps structure, we support the youth with their project and application, and during their journey.
ake a look at the website from the European Solidarity Corps here : to see all the missions available, or contact us at to make an appointment.
Our partners


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